Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Short Feature - Refi's Got Talent!

"And it goes like this"

These are the words that everyone in the school's Imaterem were singing along to on Saturday night, as Demkó Ferenc took the stage. 

He shocked even the organizers with his slightly unorthodox act!

As an English teacher, well known for his musical talent - no one expected juggling!

You see, Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma hosted the first 'Refi's Got Talent!' parody talent show on Saturday 15th December 2012. It was a night to remember for all whom attended. All for different reasons maybe, but nonetheless, positive ones! 

The 'Refi's Got Talent!' stage saw everything from a South Korean style dance troupe to a teacher who juggles like he recently escaped the circus! 

The evening was hosted by none other than Pándy-Szekeres Daniel and his brother Pándy-Szekeres Aron. 

They could not have picked a better double act to carry the show from beginning to end. The brothers kept everyone entertained in between performances and had great chemistry with the judges. 

The judging panel was made up of Tóth Nikoletta (English and Maths teacher), Szabó Viktoria (English and Hungarian grammar teacher) and Végh Balázs (School Financial Advisor).  

Nikoletta could only be compared to Amanda Holden, with her ridiculously positive comments. Viktoria held the tag of Simon Cowell superbly, with her soul crushing comments to the students and her colleagues alike. Balázs acted as mediator - with some hilarious comments to boot, comparable to Britain's very own, Piers Morgan. 

The place was filled with laughter every time the Pándy brothers went to the panel for comments.

There was a sense of unity between teachers and students and everyone left with a smile on their face at the end of the night.

The show was organized by the 'Refi Revolution Team', the school's public relations group. This team is made up of students and teachers, with the aim of being the voice and face of the high-school. 

Since its inception, in October, the team has done an array of innovative and helpful things for the school in a very short time. 

'Refi's Got Talent!' was their debut event and its mission was to raise funds for the team's endeavors in the UK. They raised 13,445 HUF (38 GBP/61 USD). 

All the money raised will be put towards the costs to be incurred during February 2013, as they wave bon voyage to the school's gates and travel to the United Kingdom. 

In the UK, the team will be working with Churches to publicize the school and raise awareness of Refi's mission. 

Also on their agenda is the youth festival, set for April 2013, which will have Refi host an all round showcase of talent from art, singing, dancing, creative writing... and so much more, from youths all around the area of Sárospatak. It will be an open event for all who wish to attend!

Watch this space!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Magyar / English Gyorshír / News Report - Refi Fundraising School Ball 2012

(scroll down for the English version)

2012 november 24-én, a Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma körülbelül 1,200,000 forintot gyűjtött össze, a költségeket leszámítva, az éves alapítványi báljuk során.

Tanárok, szülők és az iskolai támogatói, köztük Sárospatak polgármestere, Aros János is részt vettek az eseményen, amely a diákok és a tanárok étkezdéjében volt megtartva.

Az ez évi bál a külső tornaterem felújításhoz szükséges alap összegyűjtésére koncentrált. A termet betöltötte az élő zene, az étel illata, a tánc és a torna és tánc csoportok előadásai, a bál céljához kapcsolódóan.

A csarnok, mely az iskola kertben található, egy ideje már külső és belső felújításra is egyaránt rászorul. A vezetőség ezen szükségesség hatására úgy döntött, hogy az összegyűjtött pénzt leginkább oda kellene áldozni.

Ezt a lépés az iskola testnevelés szakos munkatársai már rég óta várták és nagyra értékelik. A munkálatok a közel jövőben megkezdődnek a tornacsarnokon.

Írta: Aiysha Jebali
Tranlated by Tompa Laura

--> On the 24th November 2012, Sárospatak's Reformed Christian high-school raised approximately 1,200,000 HUF, after expenses, during their annual fundraising ball.

Teachers, parents and friends of the school; including Sárospatak’s Mayor Aros János; attended the event, held in the establishment’s student and teacher restaurant.

This year's ball was focussed on raising the funds needed to refurbish the school's outdoor gym. The room was filled with live music, food, dancing and performances from dance and gymnastics groups, in keeping with the purpose of the ball.

The gym, set in the school garden, has been in need of an internal and external update for some time. The management team decided that given this necessity, the money raised would be best spent there.

This step forward has been long awaited by the school's physical education team and is grately appreciated. Work will begin on the gym in the near future.

Written by Aiysha Jebali

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Gyorshír (magyar) - Nyílt nap a Refiben- 2012

2012. november 15-én, a Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziumában megrendezésre került az évenként ismétlődő nyílt nap. Ez az esemény lehetőséget nyújt arra, hogy a jövendőbeli kilencedikesek - szüleikkel együtt - bepillanthassanak az iskola mindennapjaiba.

Amint megérkeztek a látogatók a "Refi" - ként becézett gimnáziumba, máris fogadta őket a nyílt napot szervező csapat és kísérték az érdeklődőket a nap folyamán.

A szervezők körbevezették a szülőket, majd egy részletes bemutatón vehettek részt, ahol feltárták az iskola múltbeli történelmét és jelenlegi helyzetét.

A nap folyamán a nyolcadikos diákok meglátogathattak egy-két órát igényeik szerint. Az idegennyelvi órák nagyon népszerűek voltak a diákok körében, volt ahol tucatnyian is megjelentek.

Az iskola angol anyanyelvű tanára, Aiysha Jebali (22) hozzáfűzte:
"Úgy vélem, hogy a nyílt nap nagyon jó lehetőséget nyújtott a jövendőbeli diákjaink megismerésére, akik jövőre csatlakoznak majd hozzánk. A fiatal diákok és szüleik egyaránt érdeklődéssel követték az egyik kéttannyelvű órámat. Megelégedéssel töltött el az az érzés, hogy ennyien figyelemmel kísérik az itteni munkámat."

Written by Aiysha Jebali
Translated by Magyar Sandy
Revised by Borka Máté, Jánószky Anna and Demkó Ferenc

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Open Day 2012 - News Report

--> 15 November 1012, saw the latest in Sárospataki Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma's annual open days. The open day allows prospective students and teachers to view the school in action.

Prospective students and their parents came to the school, popularly referred to as, "The Refi", and were met by the management team.

The management team provided their guests with a tour of the school, as well as a presentation about the school's history and present situation. 

The visitors were then permitted to join some of the classes that were running during the 4th and 5th periods.The language department was very popular and saw some 8-10 people added to each class.

The school's native speaking English teacher commented, saying:

"I think that the open day was a great opportunity to get to know the students that would be coming to the school, next year. I had parents and teenagers join my special language class and my dual language class and it was great to see parents and teens alike joining in on the lesson I had prepared!"